About Us (關於我們)


To promote healthy living and to provide health information on the prevention of heart and brain diseases to the Canadian community



Board of Director

President: Mr. Chris Tai

主席 : 戴岩先生

Vice President : Dr Gordon Moe ( MD, FRCP(C), FACC, FAHA) Cardiologist, Professor in Medicine, University of Toronto

副主席 : 巫柏齡心臟專科醫生 多倫多大學醫學院教授

Immediate Past President: Dr Chi Ming Chow (MDCM MSc FRCPC FCCS FASE DBIM CPC(HC)) Cardiologist, Professor in Medicine, University of Toronto

上任主席 : 周志明心臟專科醫生 多倫多大學醫學院教授

Chair of Research Committee: Dr Joseph Y Chu (MD, FRCPC, FACP, FAHA, FAAN) Neurologist; Assistant Professor in Medicine, University of Toronto

研究委員會主席 : 朱耀祖腦神經專科醫生 多倫多大學醫學院腦神經專科副教授

Secretary: Ms. Tabby Lam (李杰愉女士)

Treasurer: Mr. Dennis Woo ( Ph.D., FEC, P.Eng.) (胡君哲先生)

Committee Member:

  • Community Liaison: Ms. Carmen Chan
  • Youth Leader : Ms. Karice Cheung
  • Technology: Mr. Dennis lam
  • Political Liaison : Mr. Gordon Lam (林豪蔚先生)
  • Sponsorship : Ms. Sandy You (游麗欽女土)